Tag: SEO Process


Google Has a New Look

Google has recently decided to roll out a new look, some changes most users will take notice of immediately such as Favicons. However, other changes may go undetected at first such as the new paid ad format. Here are some of the changes you can expect. Google Ads The search engine results have now become a little bit tricky for

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The Huge Role SEO Plays in Online Reputation Management (ORM)

How customers feel about your brand can have a big impact on your organization. It’s estimated, that 90 percent of shoppers are influenced by user-generated content when making a purchasing decision. If you aren’t able to control your online reputation management (ORM), you will struggle to build trust with the consumer. This will make it harder for you to generate

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What Makes SEO a Continuous Process?

The internet has been the most democratizing force the world has ever seen. It is not just limited to the sharing of ideas, knowledge, and communication. It has taken even the business world by storm. A well-established business in New York faces a stiff and tough competition from a startup operating out of Hong Kong. Freelancers around the world are

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