Conversion Optimization


Understanding User Intent

SEO is so important for your website, but it’s important to remember that the backbone of SEO is user intent. Search engines like Google are heavily focused on the user experience (UX), which is really just an aspect of user intent. The problem is that while user intent is so important for SEO, it’s also one of the most commonly

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Lead Generation Ideas to Help You Increase Your Website’s Conversion Rates

LEAD GENERATION IDEAS TO HELP YOU INCREASE YOUR WEBSITE’S CONVERSION RATESIn order to increase your website’s conversion rates you need to improve the usability of your website as well as make use of various technologies that will generate leads and convert them into customers. This is called Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). By gathering data about your visitors and enabling the

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Creating an Engagement-Based Conversion Channel in 4 Steps

What used to be a “linear” journey for most costumers has been converted into a more and more fragmented process due to an increase in web literacy and advancing technologies. How can you keep up your sales in these brave new world? So, how can you keep your conversion rates up? Here is a four-step strategy for you. STEP 1:

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