Tag: Search Algorithms


Zero-Click Searches

Zero-click searches are the results that will appear at the top of the SERPs (search engine results pages). The point of these is to not have to click through a page. This is a concept that has been of interest of the SEO industry. These types of searches have value, but it’s practically impossible to measure exactly how valuable they

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Unconfirmed Algorithm Updates

Unconfirmed Algorithm Updates    The problem with SEO and digital marketing is that this industry is one that is constantly evolving. At any word of some algorithm update, SEO experts start trying to figure it out to see what they can do to keep up with these changes to keep on top of their game. A recent unconfirmed algorithm update may have

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What is happening with Google’s indexing situation? Will it personally affect me?

WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH GOOGLE’S INDEXING SITUATION? WILL IT PERSONALLY AFFECT ME?When you hear that Google’s indexing methods have undergone a malfunction, your first reaction may be that of panic. But this is why you don’t need to worry.The indexing situation has been resolved, and searches impacted by this feature should not be impacted any more.But, in order to fully

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Creating an Engagement-Based Conversion Channel in 4 Steps

What used to be a “linear” journey for most costumers has been converted into a more and more fragmented process due to an increase in web literacy and advancing technologies. How can you keep up your sales in these brave new world? So, how can you keep your conversion rates up? Here is a four-step strategy for you. STEP 1:

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What Makes SEO a Continuous Process?

The internet has been the most democratizing force the world has ever seen. It is not just limited to the sharing of ideas, knowledge, and communication. It has taken even the business world by storm. A well-established business in New York faces a stiff and tough competition from a startup operating out of Hong Kong. Freelancers around the world are

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