
What Makes SEO a Continuous Process?

The internet has been the most democratizing force the world has ever seen. It is not just limited to the sharing of ideas, knowledge, and communication. It has taken even the business world by storm. A well-established business in New York faces a stiff and tough competition from a startup operating out of Hong Kong. Freelancers around the world are

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3 SEO Myths That You Should Never Follow

SEO professionals have known for years before the 2016 US Presidential Elections that the problem of fake news on the internet has turned into a menace. It takes less than a day to create a blog and start posting articles with unverified facts. So, it is only natural that many people are doing exactly that. They know that people in

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How to Create a Killer SEO Optimized Website

Who wouldn’t love to have a phenomenal website that is an SEO workhorse and carves itself a firm place in the first page rankings on Google? Everybody! But, of course, getting there isn’t easy. The best search engine optimized websites start early with SEO. Very early, often right from the beginning. Here’s how you can create a killer SEO optimized

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2 Biggest Trends That Will Transform SEO the Way We Know it in 2018

You’ve probably heard it more than a few times by now – SEO is an ever-evolving, complex science. Search engines are constantly updating their algorithms and improving their ability to bring relevant search results to users. SEO professionals, on their part, are required to constantly update their SEO knowledge and practices to stay relevant in this fast-changing industry. It’s as

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4 Reasons Why Infographics Are an Excellent Viral Marketing Tactic

Infographics have been around for a long time. They have been used by companies to put forward research results, explain statistics, and more in the most easily understandable and engaging way. However, in the past few years, they have become a powerful tool for promoting products and services. Most importantly, they are frequently used as a viral marketing tool. But,

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