Make Informed Decisions with Real Time Website Analytics

Who, When, What, How… Now

Real Time Website Analytics

A well-planned web analytic program provides tons of helpful information. For example, if your company participated in a trade show in Chicago, you’ll be able to see how much of an effect it had in creating new customers and generating traffic to your website.

If you see a dramatic increase in visitors and sales from the Chicago area, your presence at the show was a success. Or if you are considering opening up a new office in Denver, for example, you can first determine if it’s a tangible decision by tracking the interest in your products from Denver and the surrounding area. You can even measure sales by zip code!”

Knowing is Half the Battle

To a great degree, web analytics go hand in hand with behavioral market research. We’ll create an analytic program that provides important information in over 30 important areas including:

Keywords Performance Report

Learn which keywords users used to find your website within the search engines. This data is used to know exactly what keywords drive revenue for your business.

Conversion Details

This important data is used to create the most effective online marketing campaign possible. In the world of sales, everyone is looking for “quality leads” to raise their conversion rates

City, Country & Origin Report

Our web analytics provides this information in a very specific way. You’ll be able to see referring domains and urls, most active visitors and city and country origin reports.


Knowing who visits your website and why is the best data to use to fine tune your online marketing efforts. Our web analytics provides an extensive profile for each potential customer! This real-time data can be analyzed in a number of different ways to help you define your customer base.

Every company wants to know “How did you hear about us?” Our web analytics provides that information in a very specific way. You’ll be able to view top landing pages and urls, referral sites that drive the most conversions.  And this data can be sorted by active visitors and city and country origin.


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