Social Media


How to Create Relationships, Not Just Followers with your Social Media Marketing Campaigns

For most online businesses, generating leads is the main goal when it comes maintaining a social media presence. So your social media outlets need to be on point and be able to generate a huge following in the hundreds of thousands. That’s what where we come in and we turn your social media campaigns into effective lead generation machines that

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3 Tips on How To Create Social Media Campaigns Based On Major Holidays

It’s time to pull the calendar out, mark off the upcoming major holidays, and create social media campaigns based on them! Here at Avenue180, we love long weekends with bank holidays because, not only do we love chillin’ out on long weekends, but we have seen sales hit the roof with the social media campaigns we’ve created! So here’s an

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4 Ways Local Businesses Can Cash In With The Pokemon Go Craze

As of this moment, the Pokémon Go craze has taken over the world! This new app turns a brisk walk through the neighborhood into a reality game that has everyone out and about! And you know that means? If you own a local business, it’s a good time to jump on the Pokemon Go marketing band wagon. This app can

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4 Ways Companies Can Engage Their Target Market on Instagram

You can’t deny it – social media is here to stay! So more and more companies are heading to social media outlets like Instagram to target their intended audience and generate leads. At Avenue180, we’re social media gurus who know what works when getting the attention of your target audience. So let’s explore 4 ways that your company can engage

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5 Tactics That Makes Your Content Go Viral Online

The next time you scroll through the hundreds of headlines on your Facebook and Twitter feeds, make a note on which ones you actually click on. Ask yourself why did you click on that particular headline? Write down the headline and break it apart, literally! So let’s delve in. This is the beginning of your journey on how to make

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