Search Marketing


2 Biggest Trends That Will Transform SEO the Way We Know it in 2018

You’ve probably heard it more than a few times by now – SEO is an ever-evolving, complex science. Search engines are constantly updating their algorithms and improving their ability to bring relevant search results to users. SEO professionals, on their part, are required to constantly update their SEO knowledge and practices to stay relevant in this fast-changing industry. It’s as

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4 Reasons Why Infographics Are an Excellent Viral Marketing Tactic

Infographics have been around for a long time. They have been used by companies to put forward research results, explain statistics, and more in the most easily understandable and engaging way. However, in the past few years, they have become a powerful tool for promoting products and services. Most importantly, they are frequently used as a viral marketing tool. But,

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SEO vs PPC: Which is Better?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) are both potent techniques for digital marketers to increase the popularity of their websites. The two techniques use very different approaches to reach the same desired goal – lots and lots of visitors. Which one is better? Well, that question has a subjective answer. Which strategy will suit you better will depend on

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These 9 SEO tips for Your Restaurant Website Will Make You the Foodie Destination

These 9 SEO tips for Your Restaurant Website Will Make You the Foodie Destination The restaurant business is very competitive today. Diners come to restaurants with a variety of expectations. Some want to take a bite out of a Michelin star plate, enjoy a brunch with their group of friends, or just want a pretty shot for their Instagram account.

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6 Ways To Create Local SEO For All Local Brick and Mortar Businesses

When you own a local brick and mortar business that that serves a specific local area, your search engine optimization efforts should focus on local SEO, so potential leads can find you at the top of Google! At Avenue180, we’ve worked with a handful of local businesses and we know the in’s and out’s of creating a local SEO plan

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